Quality Transcripts on a Budget — 3 Ways to Reduce Transcription Service Costs

With the growing focus on technology and automation services in the global business industry, the future of transcription services is bright. The medical industry, in particular, has increased its usage of voice reporting techniques, leading to a growing need for reliable and accurate transcription services.

Most businesses prefer to outsource transcription work to ensure high-quality results. However, many of them don’t have a big budget to play around with, so they need to find a compatible company at affordable rates.

Here are some tips to help you get more value for your money when you outsource transcription work for your business:

Pick the right type of transcription:

Most transcription service companies offer four main types of transcripts:

Intelligent Verbatim

Also called clean verbatim, these transcripts capture everything from the audio file, except non-verbal communication, stutters, and filler. They are easy to read and are the most preferred method for business recordings.

Edited Verbatim

This type of transcript not only captures the entire audio, but also includes edits for grammar and tenses. The result is an accurate and readable transcript. Edited verbatim transcripts are usually recommended for medical and academic recordings.

Full Verbatim

Full verbatim captures the recording as is, word for word. It also includes hand gestures, filler words, stutters, gestations, any external noises. This type of transcript is usually preferred for journalistic and legal transcripts that require a lot of fine details for accuracy. It is also the most expensive type of transcript

Detailed Notes Transcription

Detailed notes transcripts are perfect for businesses that need transcriptions services on a budget. The transcript only includes an on-topic conversation and excludes any filler, off-topic details, and irrelevant speech. The transcript is concise and brief and easy to produce, which means it is also cheaper by comparison.

 Plan Ahead To Avoid Paying For Faster Turnaround Times:

One of the biggest reasons why a transcription service would charge extra money is a fast turnaround time. Often, clients are in a hurry, looking for a service that will give them quick transcripts within 24 hours or less.

If you want to avoid paying extra, plan ahead and give the transcription service company more time to work on your audio or video files. They will charge you less and the chances of accurate transcripts will also be higher as a result.

Be Aware Of the Extra Options:

A lot of transcription companies charge an additional fee for extra features you’d like to include in your transcript. These include:

  •  Pauses
  •  Laughter
  •  Tone annotations
  •  Speaker names
  •  Timestamps

Depending on the company and the type of transcription you have selected, you may be asked to pay extra for these options. So make sure you only choose the options you absolutely need to avoid paying a lot of money.

Another way of saving money is to choose a transcription service company that includes these options in the initial base price rather than charging extra for each feature.

Choose SpectraScribe For Quality Transcription Services At Affordable Prices:

If you’re looking for high-quality professional transcription services that are cost-effective, get in touch with us today! SpectraScribe is a Canadian transcription company offering accurate transcription services since 2000.

Our team of experienced and highly-qualified transcription experts ensures quality transcripts with a fast turnaround time.

We offer both audio and video academic, medical, and legal transcription and make sure they are compliant with the highest industry standards in Canada!

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