Voice Recognition Works But It Isn’t a Fool Proof Technology—Yet!

As a medical practitioner with a hectic schedule you’re probably on the lookout for a streamlined medical documentation process. And what better way than to opt for voice recognition software to take down all the important medical notes? However, you should be aware that this speech recognition software is not without its drawbacks.

Wondering what could possibly go wrong? Let’s have a look at some common errors that arise with using speech transcription software.

Varying Accents

Using voice recognition instead of the conventional transcription service, while you’re juggling multiple patients might seem like a hassle-free idea. But you should know that it’s not without its drawbacks. Voice recognition though convenient, is very limited in what it can achieve.

What this means is that the VR technology has not yet been built to factor in varying inflections of human speech. Therefore, every time that it’s exposed to different accents, the voice recognition software has trouble picking up what the voice actually means. When that happens, the chances of errors being made while jotting down the medical notes can increase tenfold. All of this can have a negative impact on your track record as a medical practitioner

Noisy Environment

As a medical practitioner you might be aware that healthcare facilities are intrinsically noisy places. From the constant echoing of doctors’ orders in the hallways to announcements from the nurses’ station, there’s hardly ever a semblance of silence in the hospitals. When you work in such a noisy environment with the VR technology, it can pick up on ambient noises to include in the transcription.

This happens because most of the times VR technology fails to differentiate between real speech and the ambient noise. As a result, you end up with a garbled message that can wreak havoc. Therefore, your real message gets lost in translation.


Confused Medicine Names

When you use the services of a medical transcriber, you can take a moment to clarify any medicine brand names for them. All of this helps ensure, that the transcriber doesn’t make any grave medicine errors while jotting down the important notes. But when you rely on voice recording software, the chances of misspellings shoot up by a high number.

This occurs as the voice recording technology isn’t able to pick out the differences in the names of varying medicines brands. So for instance, Rapamune is often is often interpreted as Verapamil by the VR technology. All of which can be very problematic, especially when the wrong medication is prescribed to your patients.

You don’t want to risk prescribing the wrong medicine to your patients. If you’re looking to avoid these general transcription errors, Spectra Scribe can do it for you! We offer IME medical transcription services in Canada. Get in touch with us for a professional transcription service by experts with years of experience in this field.

For more details on our medical transcription services, contact us today.




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